Friday, March 11, 2011

10 more days 'til spring!

Are you feeling it? 

Me neither. 

But in the basement things are happening and that will get me through this last part of winter. 

I'm trying onions and shallots from seed this year and maybe I'll do them from bulbs too and see which way works best.  In the picture are basil, parsley, thyme and leeks.  I am trying celery again, but even with the warmer location of my lights I've gotten no germination.  Maybe I should germinate them in the cold room like I did last year.  I just assumed heat would be better.  Live and learn and then try again.


Unknown said...

Rumor has it celery takes a long time to germinate ... it may yet come up. I've never tried growing it, but I'm trying onions from seed this year. Some is even from onions that went to seed last year and I saved the seed!

I started a few tomatoes and some flowers that I've had little luck with in the past - figuring if I started them inside where I could baby them, maybe they'd do better. With the hoop row covers the Boy made me for Christmas, I have high hopes for the garden this year. However, I need that snow to melt so I can get out there and rearrange the fences & beds!

Carissa Halton said...

Your trays of seedlings are looking great! I am starting so late this year-- but this snow. Makes me think planting season is never going to come!!

Evelyn in Canada said...

AJC: They did germinate!! Eventually, one full month after seeding them and I'd given up and reseeded. Now I may have a ton of celery starts. I'm still hoping to build a cold frame to extend the season.