Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pictureless Wednesday

I think the camera must be hiding in the girls' bedroom because I can't find it. It's been too long without a post though, so I'll do it pictureless.

I am so grateful for my daily visits with my plaster-experienced friend. The bathroom progresses a bit each day and she's teaching me patience. I'd love to do a thick coat of mud on the drywall, and just get 'er done, but she's teaching me the process of building the mud in thin layers, letting it dry, and building it up some more. Everyday it looks better and everyday we have a good visit and discuss parenting and God and life's challenges. My main challenge is lack of patience, I think!

After more than a week of no piano, we now have a lovely old Heintzman piano where the Australian Beale once stood. The sound and the feel are totally different and new keys are out of tune, but I love that I can sit and play a piece or two while onions fry, or in the minutes I have to wait for water to boil. I don't spend a lot of time playing, but I sit on the stool often throughout the day and I know my home will never truly be without a piano. I think Beth didn't mind the excuse at her lesson yesterday though.

Most of you know the story, but here's how the piano thing played out.

I've never been thrilled with the sound of my own piano, so I occasionally search Kijiji for old Bell or Heintzman pianos and dream of a better tone in my living room. On the other hand, I still have feelings for my Australian piano and wasn't/am not quite ready to sell it.

A good friend told me the drama that was playing out in her family. An old family piano was stuck in a spare bedroom, unable to be played in it's current location and no one really wanted it. But it couldn't leave the family either. I can totally understand that - I'm sentimental about mine too. The rational thing to do would be to sell it, but you can't always be rational. Especially when you involve family dynamics and history.

On loan (because selling it would mean a permanent "leaving of the family"), we are babysitting this Heintzman for now. If the family wants it back, they have only to let us know. And if they want to sell to us at some time in the future, that's an option too. For now though, no money has changed hands and no permanent decisions have been made. Works for everyone.

And my own piano? We couldn't very well fit two pianos in our house, so ours is on loan with the same arrangement. Our teacher's granddaugher really wanted to learn to play, but they couldn't afford a piano right now. She is now getting lessons and loves playing enough that they've had to make a new household rule. "No playing the piano until after the parents are out of bed".

I'm thrilled with the exchange. They have their spare bedroom back. I have better music in my home. And a little girl is learning to play the piano. Win/win/win.


Tamara Jansen said...

How exciting.....a new piano!

Rosa said...

Yeah! :D

Anonymous said...

Whew! Now you'll stop coveting my piano everytime you come over. Or should I say, your former piano...
