Sunday, April 11, 2010


I'll be a little less wordy than usual today. Go ahead - breathe your collective sigh of relief. I won't take it personally because I can't hear it from here.

I just signed up for a day of learning about Permaculture and I'm very excited. I'll be spending a day with friends listening and learning about sustainability on May 1, in time to make some garden plan changes if that's what results. It should be a great way to spend a day and I'm sure I'll learn a lot and start my season of hands-in-the-dirt with new enthusiasm.

This is the day as it is planned so far.

A Taste of Permaculture

Permaculture is a practical and scientific approach to designing sustainable human habitats by following nature's patterns to yield an abundance of food, fibre and energy.

WHO? Permaculture is for anyone! Especially if you are interested in: gardening, growing food, organics, environmental sustainability, community building, food security, alternative energy / transportation, resilience, green architecture / design, rehabilitating damaged land, reducing dependence on oil, transition communities etc.

WHAT?" A Taste of Permaculture" is a full day of workshops, lectures and community building, including:

- "The Big Picture" keynote by Ron Berezan (The Urban Farmer)
- Urban animal husbandry (chickens & bees!)
- Permaculture & youth- Edible plants/trees for urban lots
- plus 'Pecha Kucha' style presentations on garden design, farming and community building!

You can check it out here. If you're in my area, come with me! If you're not, feel free to travel. I'd love to see you there.

1 comment:

Patty-Jean from LittleQuiver said...

Wow - I'd love to participate! A few years ago, we regularly picked up copies of the magazine "permaculture", published in the UK...those copies are like gold to me...taped up where the 'littles' have ripped them.

Look forward to you charting your inspirations from that workshop!