Monday, April 25, 2011

Sping has Sprung

Hi, this is Laura. I'm blog-jacking mom's blog.

Today I went outside and took a bunch of spring pictures.

(this is mom's favorite)



and MORE tulips!

This is Bugsy. Bugsy says "hi".

(also mom's favourite)

Can you guess what this is?

If you said a pussy willow (or a true sign of spring) you are correct!

Good bye and I hope you you had a good Easter weekend!


Coralee said...

Happy spring to you, Ev! So great to see new life!

Anonymous said...

Nice photo of the gate latch - very artistic, in my mind.

David Rust

Evelyn in Canada said...

I let that latch get all rusty and painty just for the sake of great photography. Great photo, Laura!

Tamara Jansen said...

LOVE the spring photos :) Don't you just love it when the kids do a blog jacking? Makes for great fun!