Friday, March 11, 2011

What's for Dinner

It's been a couple of days, but I've been pretty good about using leftovers and doing a version of the plan.

Wednesday night: Chicken nachos.

The only interesting thing about this is the guacamole. I had purchased some cheap avocados on the edge of being bad, ate lots right away and then decided to try my luck with freezing them. It worked great. I didn't dip them or anything - just halved them and froze them on cookie sheets and then into containers with 1 1/2 avocados each. That enough for a good bowl of guacamole on short notice.

Thursday night: Even though it was my birthday, I had to take Alice to the clinic to remove her stitches and had a 3 hour (!) community league meeting at night, so we had nothing special. Spaghetti sauce with pasta. The addition of bacon makes anything more special though!

Yvon and I just got back from a good meal at the Alberta Art Gallery, my birthday meal. Tiny portions, but I'm surprisingly full in spite of not getting the bread to start with, or the bun that belonged with my sirloin burger.

Their menu was totally different than the last time I was there, but with only four main dishes on it I guess they can change it up really regularly. Do only a few things, but do them well. My motto is more like "Try everything and do lots of them at a passable level". Ah, mediocrity! I'm glad they don't share that philosophy because I expect more from others. A lovely double-standard, but if they're getting my money it should be good.

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