Saturday, September 7, 2013

It's the Pits

I have plums.  Lots and lots of plums.

I pitted lots and lots of plums.  I put them in the dehydrator and I canned some with cherries and they turned out just lovely. 

After I was done, I looked at my fruit stash and realized that I still had plums.  Lots and lots of plums.  They are unfortunately not "freestone" plums.  Do such things exist?  I did not relish the thought of pitting the rest of my plums. 

I search Google to find easy ways to pit plums.  Alas, there was no magical solution.


One side releases from the pit easily.

The other side does not.


one side goes onto trays for freezing or dehydrating, or into muffins,

  and the other side...

... goes into the pot for jam.  Pit and all.

Apparently the pits contain some arsenic.  So?  Who hasn't accidentally swallowed some apple seeds in their childhood?  When I was young, we used to think an apple tree would grow in our stomach when we did that.  Now, with lack of innocence, we are supposed to worry about arsenic getting into our jam.

It's not that I'm keeping the pits in the jam.  The pits nicely release after a few minutes of boiling and I can scoop them out. 

Hardly any wastage of plum this way, and WAY less work. I'm not worried about the arsenic and the jam turned out awesome.  

(Recipe:  Fruit and enough sugar to suit your taste.  Boil until thick enough to spread.  The peels contain enough pectin to make it gel and basically dissolves into the jam.)


Anonymous said...

Having just researched this, you have to eat a lot of apricot (or peach pits) to reach toxic levels of arsenic or cyanide. I used my peach pits and skins in some hooch. It has a peachy flavor with an after taste of almond.


Evelyn in Canada said...

I'm not worried at all about the arsenic but was amused that some people are. I just threw away the pits because any alcohol I might have in the house always ends up as vanilla.

Maybe I need more alcohol. I still have more plums.