My remote bed is full of shadows in this picture, but not doing too badly. As at home, the corn isn't doing much there. I companion-planted it with climbing peas but wherever I got that advice didn't live in our climate. The peas are WAAY more advanced than the corn and have nothing to climb. I had a particularly great batch of canola or mustard in this bed that I've never had before. I left it until it bloomed because I thought they might be my zinnias. Alas, while pretty, they were massive weeds and very fast growing. It looks better now. There's still one in this picture.
This is the view I see out of my bedroom window and I usually gaze out first thing in the morning as if to see if any miracles happened overnight. Even if it's not the most productive garden, I never got as much enjoyment out of the grass that used to be there.
This is the newest veggie patch, mixed with some of the perennials that I couldn't part with. After removing the big central bush, I must say that I don't miss it at all. Although, I had planned to plant a privacy screen of cucumbers (on the supports shown) and corn. Hmm, do you see how private it is to sit on my new chairs?
I tried a few fava beans for the first time, hopefully for drying. Beans and tomato paste are among the few canned goods I still buy. I can't make tomato paste (I've tried), but I should be able to stop buying canned beans. These are totally unlike green beans in their growth, so I'm curious to see how the beans form. And they have no interest in the support whatsoever but I put them there because all of the Italians do it. They must know what they are doing, right? Maybe I'll have to tie them to the stakes when they get too tall. I'll walk around Little Italy soon and see what they do.
One of my last purely flower beds. The golden elder died to the ground this winter and is now as tall as I am.
And this allium is very out of season, but I love it. If only there were more. I've just got the one and we've been watching it closely as the flower head formed and is finally blooming.
This is my tiny Evans Cherry tree. The first foot of it has leaves but otherwise looks unpromising. In five years I hope that will not be the case. I surrounded it with the most beautiful tulips (obviously done blooming) and some tiny seeded asters. I never have luck with asters, but I keep trying.
I hate the back yard when I look at the big picture, but the garden itself does well back here. The soil must be better and the stucco wall gets nice and hot for tomatoes. I think I'll try peppers here next year if I must do crop rotations.

And I didn't make it out to the alley with the camera, but the sorrel has settled in (I got three plants this year from a friend), the comfrey is doing great (to help speed up the compost), and the raspberries are just starting to turn red. Beth ate the first berry yesterday. The rain should nicely plump them up because I'm pretty irregular about watering the alley.
And this is the original plot that was here when we moved in. Although unappealing to me in it's rectangularness (it's a word if you use it often enough), it actually produces well. The blue delphinium has never been as happy as it is this year.
And I didn't make it out to the alley with the camera, but the sorrel has settled in (I got three plants this year from a friend), the comfrey is doing great (to help speed up the compost), and the raspberries are just starting to turn red. Beth ate the first berry yesterday. The rain should nicely plump them up because I'm pretty irregular about watering the alley.
And that's it. How's your garden doing?
soooo beautiful, Ev! Being in an apartment pretty much kills any idea of growing (the air conditioner kills anything we've tried), though even on the ground, I'm not sure I'd be much of a gardner. I can appreciate the beauty of yours though!
Thanks for the tour! Your garden is beautiful! I still have not managed to grow any flowers from seed...ever. Even last year's forgotten onion that's about to bloom was from a set!
looks good ev, keep me posted on the calendula cream and how it turns out.
Oh goodness you're having far more success than I am! I have had to change my strategy now that I realize the 'sod' is quackgrass, so that's set me back some. Still, my borage plant is blooming and it's very pretty - and I have calendula EVERYWHERE! Good thing I use it (like you) for ointments.
For the peas/corn combo - next year try sunflowers. They grow fast enough to function as supports and if you get the big mammoth kind, they are sturdy enough, too. I did a few like that last year and it worked great. Trying it this year for cucumbers.
I was out planting today - I'm telling myself that I've got a 'fall garden' this year. Better late than never, right? :)
Thank-you for the lovely tour! Very impressive, I really see the "permaculture" taking wonderful shape on your property!
We've been enjoying the carrots and beats that we've taken out to help space them. As well as snap peas (or mange-toutes, as we call them) lettuce, beet tops in salads and steamed with some vinegar, and bbq'ed onions and garlic.
Oh I adore poppies - and look forward to the day we have a home of our own and perhaps property to plant hundreds of them. Do you harvest the seeds? I love poppy seeds and I know most folk around here grow poppies purely for the beauty. So I'm curious about the harvest part!?
AJC: Thanks for the sunflower tip. I'll maybe try that next year. I used to hate dealing with the woody stalks in the fall, but did you know they can be burnt as firewood? Now I'll pass them on to people with firepits.
CG: I will let you know. I'm very anxious to try it because my hands and feet are currently alive with throbbing nerve endings. I hope the cream is something that actually helps.
Coralee: I suspect that with your current interests, by the time you move into your first house you'll slowly grow into a love of gardening too. I'm willing to eat my tiny wool hat if I'm wrong though!
Farmwife: No seedlings of your own? Not even with your new greenhouse? I'm not at all expert at it, but they always do okay in the end. Try a few next year. There's very little to lose really.
Patty-Jean: I just leave some heads on the poppies to dry in the sun and then shake them into a container. I don't dry them any further - just eat or reseed. I never really save more than 1 cup for eating because I tire of the dying stalks and rip most of them out to make room for the other expanding greenery. If I had more space, maybe I'd grow full rows for eating, but alas I'm just an urban dweller with a typical lot.
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